1. Purpose of JOF mission church
1) Preaching the gospel to college students
2) Keeping faith of God from high school till college graduation
3) Showing God’s Word through sermons that will awake the students to discern right from wrong and stand
against secular or antichrist trends
4) Activities for evangelization, such as outreach, missions, and more…
5) Correct misguided faith or misunderstandings about God and the religion
2. Targets
1) College students in United States of America
2) Senior students in High school
3) Postgraduate students
3. Schedule for JOF mission church
1) Confirmation from board members in two weeks.
2) Apply corporation to Federal government.
3) Open bank account and SNS market like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter …
4) Begin website development and design.
5) Members to contact pastors or church leaders to explain and discuss about recording sermons.
6) Members to find and contact sponsors for sale website.
7) Make and prepare brochures and flyers about JOF mission church.
8) Try to advertise JOF mission church on SNS.
9) All websites will launch in July or August.
4. Designs and plans for JOF mission church
1) Basic idea for site is
“Students playground fenced by Christ”
2) Website will be designed for students
3) The site will consist of two sections
1. “The gospel of Christ”
2. “Playground decorated by students directly”
4) The gospel of Christ section has three categories
1. Live or recorded video of sermons
2. God’s Word and messages about hot issues.
3. Quiz with prizes or rewards about God’s words.
5) Playground section will be designed by students and content will be uploaded constantly and regularly.
6) The site will maintain new and interesting content through SNS so that students can enjoy and have fun
7) Students can submit videos, pictures, or animations to win prizes and rewards.
8) Videos submitted by students will be uploaded to Facebook, and prize will be given by the number of “like” on
9) Pictures or animations submitted will be uploaded to Instagram and prize will be given by the number of “like”
10) The video contests will open every month or two with different themes like “campus life”, “together with
stars”, “funny stories” …
11) Some videos without rewards can be submitted like “school festival” or “circle activities” or “sports
12) The site can supply interesting sections with beneficial or helpful content like…
“ introduce for college business”
“ special news about college life”
“ founding new business”
“ Q and A “
5. Long term aim and plans of JOF mission church
1) Church member and finance will start small, but we plan to gather more members and sponsors day after day.
2) And the support site will be big and extend sale lines year after year.
3) JOF mission church will hire more people to operate and manage the sites and church activities.
4) When finance is enough, we will buy better apps and programs to upgrade the sites and handle more
5) When the membership has grown enough, we will organize and support student organizations by region and by
6) The network and relationships will benefit the students in the future when searching for jobs, building a
business, or with any social activities post college graduation.
7) After a valuable Christian life during college, students can continue to live a healthy future and pass down these
values to their kids and grandkids.
8) The church will protect the students from Antichrist ideas and trends like Marxism or postmodernism not only
in America but all around the world